PAI Facilitator Guidebook

The Political Animal Indicator (PAI) ® Facilitator Guidebook

The Political Animal Indicator (PAI) ® Facilitator Guidebook is the Technical Manual for the PAI ® booklet, Political Profiling Questionnaire (PPQ) ©, and the Political Animal Workshop (PAW) PowerPoint presentation

The Guidebook has been designed to provide Learning and Development (L&D) professionals (e.g. Trainers, Coaches, Consultants and Business School Lecturers, etc) with the knowledge and skills they need to successfully use the PAI ® booklet and PAW PowerPoint presentation in Organisational group learning contexts. 

The 32 page PAI ® Facilitator Guidebook contains 2 instructional Sections :

  • Section 1 - General Notes
  • Section 2 - PAW Facilitation Notes

Section 1  -  General Notes

This Section helps L&D professionals to gain a working understanding of the PAI ® booklet and how it can be used in group learning contexts to help people develop a positive set of political behaviours that enables them to co-create happier and healthier political work cultures and careers. 

This Section also explains the PPQ's © Administration and Questionnaire Scoring process.

Section 2  -  PAW Facilitation Notes

This Section provides L&D professionals with a detailed set of Facilitation Notes that can be used to successfully deliver a half day (4 hour) Political Animal Workshop to any type of Organisational audience. 

The PAW is an experiential, intensive and highly interactive Workshop that fully engages and immerses Participants in the learning process.  Some of the key learning points covered during a PAW include a...

  • Reappraisal - of the tacitly learnt assumptions people have about Workplace Politics
  • Recognition - of the different Power Sources that exist within Organisations that people can leverage
  • Reflection - on the cultural norms and mores that produce Positive or Negative political Work Cultures
  • Regard - the Political Animal Framework© and each Participant's unique Political Animal Profile®
  • Review - the Political Skills that Participants want to develop in order to become more politically influential
  • Write - a practice based and positive Political Skills self-development Agenda


The Political Animal Indicator (PAI) ® Facilitator Guidebook provides L&D professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to successfully deliver an experiential half day (4 hour) Political Animal Workshop to any type of Organisational audience using a bespoke PAW PowerPoint presentation.

Technical Information

Instrument:   The Political Animal Indicator ® Facilitator Guidebook
32 Page, A4, Facilitator Guidebook
Audience:       Learning & Development (L&D) professionals
(i.e. Trainers, Coaches & Consultants, etc)

Package:         PAI ® guidebook, PAI ® booklet & questionnaire, and a PowerPoint presentation

Usage:             Self-Study - PAW facilitation and delivery skills development
Author:           Wayne Thomas, M.A., M.Sc., M.B.A., Ph.D.

UK £ 94.00 plus P&P

The 'Buy Now' price includes

the following 'paper-based'

'Political Animal' materials :

x 1 PAI ® Facilitator Guidebook

x 1 Political Animal Workshop (PAW) PowerPoint presentation

x 1 Political Animal Indicator ® booklet

x 1 Political Profiling Questionnaire ©

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