The MACE LDR (c)

The Matrix and Complex Environment (MaCE)
Leadership Diagnostic Report (LDR)™ - The MaCE LDR

The MaCE LDR results from two decades worth of research with multi-national clients around the world to discover the fundamental beliefs, behaviours, knowledge and skills that matrix working practitioners consider critical for MaCE Leadership and Teamworking in multi-dimensional operating structures and complex cross-process roles.

The MaCE LDR is a personal preferences instrument that enables people to compare and contrast self-reported matrix working competencies against 7 MaCE Capability Areas are are critical for anyone who works in a Matrixed  (e.g. cross-process) or  Complex Environment (e.g. cellular) type operating structure or role.

As a result of a Manager, Mentor, Colleague or Coach, or an in-house or external Facilitator inviting someone by email to complete the 84 item 'on-line' MaCE LDR ™ Questionnaire ahead of an individual or group learning event.  The person who completes a Questionnaire will - by return email - immediately receive a personalised copy of their MaCE LDR in a .pdf file format which enables them to create a bespoke MaCE working skills development agenda.

The 16 page MaCE LDR ™ Personal Development Plan (PDP) people receive comprises the following information:

  • Overview : A description of what the MaCE LDR ™ is and how it helps develop Matrix working capabilities
  • Section 1 A Graph showing someone's self-assessed position in relation to the 7 MaCE Capability Areas
  • Section 2 7 pages, with up to 3 priority Development Choices on each page, for all 7 MaCE Capability Areas
  • Section 3 A 'Development Prioritisation' Template
  • Section 4 A ‘ Traffic Light ’ Action Planning Template
  • Section 5 Additional Development Data

As a metric the MaCE LDR ™ Questionnaire can be re-taken after 3 months to measure an individuals or teams collective development in each of the 7 Capability Areas.  This provides organisations with a global and local method of analysing the cost-benefit spend for any MaCE specific training interventions carried out in previous quarters.

The bespoke PDP the MaCE LDR creates enables people to understand how their current competencies can be developed so they can work more effectively in matrix-enabled operating environments.

The 7 Capability Areas described in the MaCE LDR are as follows:

      •   Stakeholder Alignment - The ability to strategically and  tactically align stakeholders

                                                                  to achieve inter-dependent goals and objectives.

      •   Political Intelligence - The ability to navigate the political landscape of the organisation

                                                            for the positive benefit of self and key stakeholders.

      •   Interpreneurial Creativity - The ability to provide entrepreneurial and innovative stakeholder focussed business

                                                                        solutions, within and across organisational, territorial and geographical boundaries.

      •   Relationship Intelligence - The ability to effectively develop and maintain a range of

                                                                      short and long term collaborative stakeholder relationships.

      •   Ambiguity Management - The ability to work effectively within structures or environments that lack clarity,

                                                                     while providing direction and support for key stakeholders that reduces ambiguity.

      •   Leadership Accountability - The ability to show flexible Leadership and Teamworking skills,

                                                                         and to take responsibility for making decisions and initiating action.

      •   Conflict Handling - The ability to pro-actively resolve inter-personal conflict between self and key

                                                     stakeholders, and to mediate conflict between different stakeholders. 

As with any set of competencies the 7 Capability Areas described in the MaCE LDR aim to improve performance through the development of working practices, with each Capability Area requiring a 'matrix-specific' training  solution that will augment and enhance someone's base-line capability levels. 

The MaCE LDR is extremely good at identifying Political Skills development gap and provide a range of specialised solutions that can help people close such skill-gaps through wither individual self-study, coaching or mentoring activities, or as part of a collective skills learning program or developmental Workshop.


The MaCE LDR is a multi-faceted development tool that not only helps people develop MaCE working capabilities, and acts as a metric that measures  Individual & Team development as a result of people undertaking matrix specific training. The MaCE LDR can also be used to diagnose the MaCE working capabilities of an entire Team, Department or Organization, and it can create a targeted training solutions prioritisation list for Individuals and Facilitators.

Technical Information

Instrument:   The Matrix and Complex Environment (MaCE) Leadership Diagnostic Report (LDR)™

Edition:           2020

Format:           16 Page, A4, .PDF, Printable, Personal Development Plan for working in MaCE Structures or Roles

Metric:            On-line, 84 Item Questionnaire that produces 7 Dimensional Score Values to create a MaCE LDR

Audience:      All Organizational levels, but a minimum of 1 years full time Organizational work experience
Usage:            Self Development, Coaching or Mentoring, Talent Development, Matrix Skill Building Workshops

Author:          Wayne Thomas, M.A., M.Sc., M.B.A., Ph.D.

                         David Bancroft-Turner, B.A. (Hons)., Dip.T.M.

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